Source code for TcpIpObject

from typing import Dict, Any, List, Union, Tuple, Optional
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR
from asyncio import get_event_loop
from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop as EventLoop
from numpy import ndarray

from DeepPhysX.Core.AsyncSocket.BytesConverter import BytesConverter

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 8 and sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    import asyncio

Convertible = Union[type(None), bytes, str, bool, int, float, List, ndarray]

[docs]class TcpIpObject: def __init__(self, ip_address: str = 'localhost', port: int = 10000): """ TcpIpObject defines communication protocols to send and receive data and commands. :param ip_address: IP address of the TcpIpObject. :param port: Port number of the TcpIpObject. """ str = self.__class__.__name__ # Define socket self.sock: socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # Register IP and PORT self.ip_address: str = ip_address self.port: int = port # Create data converter self.data_converter: BytesConverter = BytesConverter() # Available commands self.command_dict: Dict[str, bytes] = {'exit': b'exit', 'step': b'step', 'done': b'done', 'finished': b'fini', 'prediction': b'pred', 'read': b'read', 'sample': b'samp', 'visualisation': b'visu', 'db': b'chdb'} self.action_on_command: Dict[bytes, Any] = { self.command_dict["exit"]: self.action_on_exit, self.command_dict["step"]: self.action_on_step, self.command_dict["done"]: self.action_on_done, self.command_dict["finished"]: self.action_on_finished, self.command_dict["prediction"]: self.action_on_prediction, self.command_dict["read"]: self.action_on_read, self.command_dict["sample"]: self.action_on_sample, self.command_dict["visualisation"]: self.action_on_visualisation, self.command_dict['db']: self.action_on_change_db } ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # LOW level of send & receive data on network # ########################################################################################## ##########################################################################################
[docs] async def send_data(self, data_to_send: Convertible, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send data through the given socket. :param data_to_send: Data that will be sent on socket. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: Socket receiver. """ loop = get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # Cast data to bytes fields data_as_bytes = self.data_converter.data_to_bytes(data_to_send) # Send the whole message if await loop.sock_sendall(sock=receiver, data=data_as_bytes) is not None: ValueError(f"[{}] Could not send all of the data for an unknown reason")
[docs] def sync_send_data(self, data_to_send: Convertible, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send data through the given socket. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_data'. :param data_to_send: Data that will be sent on socket. :param receiver: Socket receiver. """ receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # Cast data to bytes fields data_as_bytes = self.data_converter.data_to_bytes(data_to_send) # Send the whole message receiver.sendall(data_as_bytes)
[docs] async def receive_data(self, loop: EventLoop, sender: socket) -> Convertible: """ Receive data from a socket. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: Socket sender. :return: Converted data. """ # Receive the number of fields to receive nb_bytes_fields_b = await loop.sock_recv(sender, self.data_converter.int_size) nb_bytes_fields = self.data_converter.size_from_bytes(nb_bytes_fields_b) # Receive the sizes in bytes of all the relevant fields sizes_b = [await loop.sock_recv(sender, self.data_converter.int_size) for _ in range(nb_bytes_fields)] sizes = [self.data_converter.size_from_bytes(size_b) for size_b in sizes_b] # Receive each byte field bytes_fields = [await self.read_data(loop, sender, size) for size in sizes] # Return the data in the expected format return self.data_converter.bytes_to_data(bytes_fields)
[docs] def sync_receive_data(self) -> Convertible: """ Receive data from a socket. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.receive_data'. :return: Converted data. """ self.sock.setblocking(True) # Receive the number of fields to receive nb_bytes_fields_b = self.sock.recv(self.data_converter.int_size) nb_bytes_fields = self.data_converter.size_from_bytes(nb_bytes_fields_b) # Receive the sizes in bytes of all the relevant fields sizes_b = [self.sock.recv(self.data_converter.int_size) for _ in range(nb_bytes_fields)] sizes = [self.data_converter.size_from_bytes(size_b) for size_b in sizes_b] # Receive each byte field bytes_fields = [self.sync_read_data(size) for size in sizes] # Return the data in the expected format return self.data_converter.bytes_to_data(bytes_fields)
[docs] async def read_data(self, loop: EventLoop, sender: socket, read_size: int) -> bytes: """ Read the data on the socket with value of buffer size as relatively small powers of 2. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: Socket sender. :param read_size: Amount of data to read on the socket. :return: Bytes field with 'read_size' length. """ # Maximum read size read_sizes = [8192, 4096] bytes_field = b'' while read_size > 0: # Select the good amount of bytes to read read_size_idx = 0 while read_size_idx < len(read_sizes) and read_size < read_sizes[read_size_idx]: read_size_idx += 1 # If the amount of bytes to read is too small then read it all chunk_size_to_read = read_size if read_size_idx >= len(read_sizes) else read_sizes[read_size_idx] # Try to read at most chunk_size_to_read bytes from the socket data_received_as_bytes = await loop.sock_recv(sender, chunk_size_to_read) # Todo: add security with <<await asyncio.wait_for(loop.sock_recv(sender, chunk_size_to_read), timeout=1.)>> # Accumulate the data bytes_field += data_received_as_bytes read_size -= len(data_received_as_bytes) return bytes_field
[docs] def sync_read_data(self, read_size: int) -> bytes: """ Read the data on the socket with value of buffer size as relatively small powers of 2. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.read_data'. :param read_size: Amount of data to read on the socket. :return: Bytes field with 'read_size' length. """ # Maximum read sizes array read_sizes = [8192, 4096] bytes_field = b'' while read_size > 0: # Select the good amount of bytes to read read_size_idx = 0 while read_size_idx < len(read_sizes) and read_size < read_sizes[read_size_idx]: read_size_idx += 1 # If the amount of bytes to read is too small then read it all chunk_size_to_read = read_size if read_size_idx >= len(read_sizes) else read_sizes[read_size_idx] # Try to read at most chunk_size_to_read bytes from the socket data_received_as_bytes = self.sock.recv(chunk_size_to_read) # Accumulate the data bytes_field += data_received_as_bytes read_size -= len(data_received_as_bytes) return bytes_field
########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Send & receive abstract named data # ########################################################################################## ##########################################################################################
[docs] async def send_labeled_data(self, data_to_send: Convertible, label: str, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None, send_read_command: bool = True) -> None: """ Send data with an associated label. :param data_to_send: Data that will be sent on socket. :param label: Associated label. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. :param send_read_command: If True, the command 'read' is sent before sending data. """ loop = get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # Send a 'read' command before data if specified if send_read_command: await self.send_command_read(loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # Send label await self.send_data(data_to_send=label, loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # Send data await self.send_data(data_to_send=data_to_send, loop=loop, receiver=receiver)
[docs] def sync_send_labeled_data(self, data_to_send: Convertible, label: str, receiver: Optional[socket] = None, send_read_command: bool = True) -> None: """ Send data with an associated label. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_labeled_data'. :param data_to_send: Data that will be sent on socket. :param label: Associated label. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. :param send_read_command: If True, the command 'read' is sent before sending data. """ receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # Send a 'read' command before data if specified if send_read_command: self.sync_send_command_read(receiver=receiver) # Send label self.sync_send_data(data_to_send=label, receiver=receiver) # Send data self.sync_send_data(data_to_send=data_to_send, receiver=receiver)
[docs] async def receive_labeled_data(self, loop: EventLoop, sender: socket) -> Tuple[str, Convertible]: """ Receive data and an associated label. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. :return: Label, Data. """ # Listen to sender recv = await self.receive_data(loop=loop, sender=sender) # 'recv' can be either a 'read' command either the label if recv in self.command_dict.values(): label = await self.receive_data(loop=loop, sender=sender) else: label = recv # Receive data data = await self.receive_data(loop=loop, sender=sender) return label, data
[docs] def sync_receive_labeled_data(self) -> Tuple[str, Convertible]: """ Receive data and an associated label. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.receive_labeled_data'. :return: Label, Data. """ # Listen to sender recv = self.sync_receive_data() # 'recv' can be either a 'read' command either the label if recv in self.command_dict.values(): label = self.sync_receive_data() else: label = recv # Receive data data = self.sync_receive_data() return label, data
[docs] async def send_dict(self, name: str, dict_to_send: Dict[Any, Any], loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send a whole dictionary field by field as labeled data. :param name: Name of the dictionary. :param dict_to_send: Dictionary to send. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ loop = get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # If dict is empty, the sending is finished if dict_to_send is None or dict_to_send == {}: await self.send_command_finished(loop=loop, receiver=receiver) return # Sends to make the listener start the receive_dict routine await self.send_command_read(loop=loop, receiver=receiver) await self.send_labeled_data(data_to_send=name, label="::dict::", loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # Treat the dictionary field by field for key in dict_to_send: # If data is another dict, send as an unnamed dictionary if type(dict_to_send[key]) == dict: # Send key await self.send_labeled_data(data_to_send=key, label="dict_id", loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # Send data await self.__send_unnamed_dict(dict_to_send=dict_to_send[key], loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # If data is not a dict, send as labeled data else: # Send key and data await self.send_labeled_data(data_to_send=dict_to_send[key], label=key, loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # The sending is finished await self.send_command_finished(loop=loop, receiver=receiver) await self.send_command_finished(loop=loop, receiver=receiver)
[docs] def sync_send_dict(self, name: str, dict_to_send: Dict[Any, Any], receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send a whole dictionary field by field as labeled data. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.receive_labeled_data'. :param name: Name of the dictionary. :param dict_to_send: Dictionary to send. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # If dict is empty, the sending is finished if dict_to_send is None or dict_to_send == {}: self.sync_send_command_finished(receiver=receiver) return # Sends to make the listener start the receive_dict routine self.sync_send_command_read() self.sync_send_labeled_data(data_to_send=name, label="::dict::", receiver=receiver) # Treat the dictionary field by field for key in dict_to_send: # If data is another dict, send as an unnamed dictionary if type(dict_to_send[key]) == dict: # Send key self.sync_send_labeled_data(data_to_send=key, label="dict_id", receiver=receiver) # Send data self.__sync_send_unnamed_dict(dict_to_send=dict_to_send[key], receiver=receiver) # If data is not a dict, send as labeled data else: # Send key and data self.sync_send_labeled_data(data_to_send=dict_to_send[key], label=key, receiver=receiver) # The sending is finished self.sync_send_command_finished(receiver=receiver) self.sync_send_command_finished(receiver=receiver)
async def __send_unnamed_dict(self, dict_to_send: Dict[Any, Any], loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send a whole dictionary field by field as labeled data. Dictionary will be unnamed. :param dict_to_send: Dictionary to send :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ loop = get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # Treat the dictionary field by field for key in dict_to_send: # If data is another dict, send as an unnamed dictionary if type(dict_to_send[key]) == dict: # Send key await self.send_labeled_data(data_to_send=key, label="dict_id", loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # Send data await self.__send_unnamed_dict(dict_to_send=dict_to_send[key], loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # If data is not a dict, send as labeled data else: # Send key and data await self.send_labeled_data(data_to_send=dict_to_send[key], label=key, loop=loop, receiver=receiver) # The sending is finished await self.send_command_finished(loop=loop, receiver=receiver) def __sync_send_unnamed_dict(self, dict_to_send: Dict[Any, Any], receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send a whole dictionary field by field as labeled data. Dictionary will be unnamed. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.receive_labeled_data'. :param dict_to_send: Dictionary to send. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ receiver = self.sock if receiver is None else receiver # Treat the dictionary field by field for key in dict_to_send: # If data is another dict, send as an unnamed dictionary if type(dict_to_send[key]) == dict: # Send key self.sync_send_labeled_data(data_to_send=key, label="dict_id", receiver=receiver, send_read_command=True) # Send data self.__sync_send_unnamed_dict(dict_to_send=dict_to_send[key], receiver=receiver) # If data is not a dict, send as labeled data else: # Send key and data self.sync_send_labeled_data(data_to_send=dict_to_send[key], label=key, receiver=receiver, send_read_command=True) # The sending is finished self.sync_send_command_finished(receiver=receiver)
[docs] async def receive_dict(self, recv_to: Dict[Any, Any], loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, sender: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Receive a whole dictionary field by field as labeled data. :param recv_to: Dictionary to fill with received fields. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ loop = get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop sender = self.sock if sender is None else sender # Receive data while command 'finished' is not received while (cmd := await self.receive_data(loop=loop, sender=sender)) != self.command_dict['finished']: # Receive field as a labeled data label, param = await self.receive_labeled_data(loop=loop, sender=sender) # If label refers to dict keyword, receive an unnamed dict if label in ["::dict::", "dict_id"]: recv_to[param] = {} await self.receive_dict(recv_to=recv_to[param], loop=loop, sender=sender) # Otherwise, set the dict field directly else: recv_to[label] = param
[docs] def sync_receive_dict(self, recv_to: Dict[Any, Any], sender: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Receive a whole dictionary field by field as labeled data. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.receive_labeled_data'. :param recv_to: Dictionary to fill with received fields. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ sender = self.sock if sender is None else sender # Receive data while command 'finished' is not received while self.sync_receive_data() != self.command_dict['finished']: # Receive field as a labeled data label, param = self.sync_receive_labeled_data() # If label refers to dict keyword, receive an unnamed dict if label in ["::dict::", "dict_id"]: recv_to[param] = {} self.sync_receive_dict(recv_to=recv_to[param], sender=sender) # Otherwise, set the dict field directly else: recv_to[label] = param
########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Command related sends # ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## async def __send_command(self, loop: EventLoop, receiver: socket, command: str = '') -> None: """ Send a bytes command among the available commands. Do not use this one. Use the dedicated function 'send_command_{cmd}(...)'. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. :param command: Name of the command, must be in 'self.command_dict'. """ # Check if the command exists try: cmd = self.command_dict[command] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"\"{command}\" is not a valid command. Use {self.command_dict.keys()} instead.") # Send command as a byte data await self.send_data(data_to_send=cmd, loop=loop, receiver=receiver) def __sync_send_command(self, receiver: socket, command: str = '') -> None: """ Send a bytes command among the available commands. Do not use this one. Use the dedicated function 'sync_send_command_{cmd}(...)'. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command'. :param command: Name of the command to send. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ # Check if the command exists try: cmd = self.command_dict[command] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"\"{command}\" is not a valid command. Use {self.command_dict.keys()} instead.") # Send command as a byte data self.sync_send_data(data_to_send=cmd, receiver=receiver)
[docs] async def send_command_compute(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'compute' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='compute')
[docs] def sync_send_command_compute(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'compute' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_compute'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='compute')
[docs] async def send_command_done(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'done' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='done')
[docs] def sync_send_command_done(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'done' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_done'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='done')
[docs] async def send_command_exit(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'exit' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='exit')
[docs] def sync_send_command_exit(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'exit' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_exit'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='exit')
[docs] async def send_command_finished(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'finished' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='finished')
[docs] def sync_send_command_finished(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'finished' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_finished'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='finished')
[docs] async def send_command_prediction(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'prediction' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='prediction')
[docs] def sync_send_command_prediction(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'prediction' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_prediction'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='prediction')
[docs] async def send_command_read(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'read' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='read')
[docs] def sync_send_command_read(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'read' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_read'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='read')
[docs] async def send_command_sample(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'sample' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='sample')
[docs] def sync_send_command_sample(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'sample' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_sample'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='sample')
[docs] async def send_command_step(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'step' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='step')
[docs] def sync_send_command_step(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'step' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_step'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='step')
[docs] async def send_command_visualisation(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'visualisation' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='visualisation')
[docs] def sync_send_command_visualisation(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'visualisation' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_visualisation'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='visualisation')
[docs] async def send_command_change_db(self, loop: Optional[EventLoop] = None, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'change_database' command. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ await self.__send_command(loop=loop, receiver=receiver, command='db')
[docs] def sync_send_command_change_db(self, receiver: Optional[socket] = None) -> None: """ Send the 'change_database' command. Synchronous version of 'TcpIpObject.send_command_change_database'. :param receiver: TcpIpObject receiver. """ self.__sync_send_command(receiver=receiver, command='db')
########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Actions to perform on commands # ########################################################################################## ##########################################################################################
[docs] async def listen_while_not_done(self, loop: EventLoop, sender: socket, data_dict: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int = None) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Compute actions until 'done' command is received. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. :param data_dict: Dictionary to collect data. :param client_id: ID of a Client. """ # Compute actions until 'done' command is received while (cmd := await self.receive_data(loop=loop, sender=sender)) != self.command_dict['done']: # Compute the associated action if cmd in self.command_dict.values(): await self.action_on_command[cmd](data=data_dict, client_id=client_id, sender=sender, loop=loop) # Return collected data return data_dict
[docs] async def action_on_compute(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'compute' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_done(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'done' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_exit(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'exit' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_finished(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'finished' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_prediction(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'prediction' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_read(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'read' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ # Receive labeled data label, param = await self.receive_labeled_data(loop=loop, sender=sender) # If data to receive appears to be a dict, receive dict if label == "::dict::": data[client_id][param] = {} await self.receive_dict(recv_to=data[client_id][param], sender=sender, loop=loop) # Otherwise add labeled data to data dict else: data[client_id][label] = param
[docs] async def action_on_sample(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'sample' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_step(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'step' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_visualisation(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'visualisation' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass
[docs] async def action_on_change_db(self, data: Dict[Any, Any], client_id: int, sender: socket, loop: EventLoop) -> None: """ Action to run when receiving the 'change_database' command. :param data: Dict storing data. :param client_id: ID of the TcpIpClient. :param loop: Asyncio event loop. :param sender: TcpIpObject sender. """ pass