Source code for StatsManager

from typing import Dict, Any, Iterable, Optional
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from tensorboard import program
from webbrowser import open as w_open
from numpy import full, inf, array, ndarray, append, concatenate
from os.path import join

def generate_default_scene():
    return {'camera': {'cls': 'PerspectiveCamera', 'fov': 75},
            'light': {'cls': 'AmbientLight', 'color': '#ffffff', 'intensity': 0.75},

def generate_default_material():
    return {'material': {'cls': 'MeshStandardMaterial', 'roughness': 1, 'metalness': 0, 'color': '#8888ff'}}

[docs]class StatsManager: def __init__(self, session: str, keep_losses: bool = False): """ StatsManager records all the given values using the Tensorboard framework. Open a tab in the navigator to inspect these values during the training. :param session: Path to the session repository. :param keep_losses: If True, allow saving loss to .csv file. """ str = self.__class__.__name__ # Init writer self.log_dir: str = join(session, 'stats/') self.writer: SummaryWriter = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir) # Open Tensorboard tb = program.TensorBoard() tb.configure(argv=[None, '--logdir', self.log_dir]) url = tb.launch() w_open(url) # Values self.mean: ndarray = full(4, inf) # Contains in the 1st dimension the mean, and 2nd the variance of the mean self.train_loss: ndarray = array([]) self.keep_losses: bool = keep_losses self.tag_dict: Dict[str, int] = {}
[docs] def add_train_batch_loss(self, value: float, count: int) -> None: """ Add batch loss to tensorboard framework. Also compute mean and variance. :param float value: Value to store :param int count: ID of the value """ var = self.update_mean_get_var(0, value, count + 1) self.writer.add_scalar("Train/Batch/Loss", value, count) self.writer.add_scalar("Train/Batch/Mean", self.mean[0], count) if var is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("Train/Batch/Variance", var, count) if self.keep_losses is True: self.train_loss = append(self.train_loss, value)
[docs] def add_train_epoch_loss(self, value: float, count: int) -> None: """ Add epoch loss to tensorboard framework. Also compute mean and variance. :param float value: Value to store :param int count: ID of the value """ var = self.update_mean_get_var(1, value, count + 1) self.writer.add_scalar("Train/Epoch/Loss", value, count) self.writer.add_scalar("Train/Epoch/Mean", self.mean[1], count) if var is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("Train/Epoch/Variance", var, count)
[docs] def add_train_test_batch_loss(self, train_value: float, test_value: float, count: int) -> None: """ Add train and test batch loss to tensorboard framework. :param float train_value: Value of the training batch :param float test_value: Value of the testing batch :param int count: ID of the value """ if train_value is not None: self.writer.add_scalars("Combined/Batch/Loss", {'Train': train_value}, count) if test_value is not None: self.writer.add_scalars("Combined/Batch/Loss", {'Test': test_value}, count)
[docs] def add_values_multi_plot(self, graph_name: str, tags: Iterable, values: Iterable, counts: Iterable) -> None: """ Plot multiples value on the same graph :param str graph_name: Name of the graph :param Iterable tags: Iterable containing the names of the values :param Iterable values: Iterable containing the value :param Iterable counts: ID of the plots """ for t, v, c in zip(tags, values, counts): self.writer.add_scalars(graph_name, {t: v}, c)
[docs] def add_test_loss(self, value: float, count: int) -> None: """ Add test loss to tensorboard framework. Also compute mean and variance. :param float value: Value to store :param int count: ID of the value """ var = self.update_mean_get_var(2, value, count + 1) self.writer.add_scalar("Test/Valid/Loss", value, count) self.writer.add_scalar("Test/Valid/Mean", self.mean[2], count) if var is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("Test/Valid/Variance", var, count)
[docs] def add_test_loss_OOB(self, value: float, count: int) -> None: """ Add out of bound test loss to tensorboard framework. Also compute mean and variance. :param float value: Value to store :param int count: ID of the value """ var = self.update_mean_get_var(3, value, count + 1) self.writer.add_scalar("Test/Out-of-boundaries/Loss", value, count) self.writer.add_scalar("Test/Out-of-boundaries/Mean", self.mean[3], count) if var is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("Test/Out-of-boundaries/Variance", var, count)
[docs] def add_custom_scalar(self, tag: str, value: float, count: int) -> None: """ Add a custom scalar to tensorboard framework. :param str tag: Graph name :param float value: Value to store :param int count: ID of the value """ self.writer.add_scalar(tag, value, count)
[docs] def add_custom_scalar_full(self, tag: str, value: float, count: int) -> None: """ Add a custom scalar to tensorboard framework. Also compute mean and variance. :param str tag: Graph name :param float value: Value to store :param int count: ID of the value """ try: self.tag_dict[tag] except KeyError: self.tag_dict[tag] = len(self.tag_dict) + 4 # Size of self.mean at the initialization var = self.update_mean_get_var(self.tag_dict[tag], value, count + 1) self.writer.add_scalar(tag + "/Value", value, count) self.writer.add_scalar(tag + "/Mean", self.mean[self.tag_dict[tag]], count) if var is not None: self.writer.add_scalar(tag + "/Variance", var, count)
[docs] def update_mean_get_var(self, index: int, value: float, count: int) -> Optional[ndarray]: """ Update mean and return the variance of the selected value :param float value: Value to add in the computation of the mean :param int index: Target that is updated by the value :param int count: ID of the value :return: The mean and var values over the last 50 elements """ if index > self.mean.shape[0] - 1: self.mean = concatenate((self.mean, full(index - (self.mean.shape[0] - 1), inf))) if self.mean[index] == inf: self.mean[index] = value return None else: # Mean value over the last 50 elements n = count if count < 50 else 50 variance = self.mean[index] self.mean[index] = self.mean[index] + (value - self.mean[index]) / n return variance - self.mean[index]
[docs] def add_3D_point_cloud(self, tag: str, vertices: ndarray, colors: ndarray = None, b_n_3: bool = False, config_dict: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None) -> None: """ Add 3D point cloud to tensorboard framework :param str tag: Data identifier :param DataContainer vertices: List of the 3D coordinates of vertices. :param DataContainer colors: Colors for each vertex :param bool b_n_3: Data is in the format [batch_size, number_of_nodes, 3] :param Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] config_dict: Dictionary with ThreeJS classes names and configuration. """ if config_dict is None: config_dict = {**generate_default_scene(), **generate_default_material()} # Information should be written using (Batch, number of vertex, 3) as shape. Hence, if not we emulate it if not b_n_3: v = vertices[None, :, :] if colors is not None: c = colors[None, :, :] else: v = vertices c = colors self.writer.add_mesh(tag=tag, vertices=v, colors=c, config_dict=config_dict)
[docs] def add_3D_mesh(self, tag: str, vertices: ndarray, colors: Optional[ndarray] = None, faces: Optional[ndarray] = None, b_n_3: bool = False, config_dict: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None) -> None: """ Add 3D Mesh cloud to tensorboard framework. :param str tag: Data identifier :param ndarray vertices: List of the 3D coordinates of vertices. :param Optional[ndarray] colors: Colors for each vertex :param Optional[ndarray] faces: Indices of vertices within each triangle. :param bool b_n_3: Data is in the format [batch_size, number_of_nodes, 3] :param Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] config_dict: Dictionary with ThreeJS classes names and configuration. """ if config_dict is None: config_dict = {**generate_default_scene(), **generate_default_material()} # Information should be written using (Batch, number of vertex, 3) as shape. Hence, if not we emulate it if not b_n_3: v = vertices[None, :, :] if colors is not None: c = colors[None, :, :] if faces is not None: f = faces[None, :, :] else: v = vertices c = colors f = faces self.writer.add_mesh(tag=tag, vertices=v, colors=c, faces=f, config_dict=config_dict)
[docs] def add_network_weight_grad(self, network: Any, count: int, save_weights: bool = False, save_gradients: bool = True) -> None: """ Add network weights and gradiant if specified to tensorboard framework. :param BaseNetwork network: Network you want to display :param int count: ID of the sample :param bool save_weights: If True will save weights to tensorboard :param bool save_gradients: If True will save gradient to tensorboard """ for tag, value in network.named_parameters(): tag = tag.replace('.', '/') if save_weights: self.writer.add_histogram('weights/' + tag,, count) if save_gradients: self.writer.add_histogram('grads/' + tag,, count)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Launch the closing procedure of the StatsManager. """ self.writer.close() del self.train_loss
def __str__(self): description = "\n" description += f"# {}\n" description += f" Stats repository: {self.log_dir}\n" description += f" Store losses as CSV: {self.keep_losses}\n" if self.keep_losses: description += f" CSV file path: {self.log_dir}\n" return description