Source code for EnvironmentManager

from typing import Any, Optional, List
from asyncio import run as async_run
from os.path import join

from DeepPhysX.Core.Environment.BaseEnvironmentConfig import BaseEnvironmentConfig, TcpIpServer, BaseEnvironment
from DeepPhysX.Core.Database.DatabaseHandler import DatabaseHandler
from DeepPhysX.Core.Visualization.VedoVisualizer import VedoVisualizer

[docs]class EnvironmentManager: def __init__(self, environment_config: BaseEnvironmentConfig, data_manager: Optional[Any] = None, pipeline: str = '', session: str = 'sessions/default', produce_data: bool = True, batch_size: int = 1): """ EnvironmentManager handle the communication with Environment(s). :param environment_config: Configuration object with the parameters of the Environment. :param data_manager: DataManager that handles the EnvironmentManager. :param pipeline: Type of the pipeline. :param session: Path to the session repository. :param produce_data: If True, this session will store data in the Database. :param batch_size: Number of samples in a single batch. """ str = self.__class__.__name__ # Session variables self.data_manager: Any = data_manager # Data production variables self.batch_size: int = batch_size self.only_first_epoch: bool = environment_config.only_first_epoch self.load_samples: bool = environment_config.load_samples self.always_produce: bool = environment_config.always_produce self.simulations_per_step: int = environment_config.simulations_per_step self.max_wrong_samples_per_step: int = environment_config.max_wrong_samples_per_step self.allow_prediction_requests: bool = pipeline != 'data_generation' self.dataset_batch: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None # Create a Visualizer to provide the visualization Database force_local = pipeline == 'prediction' self.visualizer: Optional[VedoVisualizer] = None if environment_config.visualizer is not None: self.visualizer = environment_config.visualizer(database_dir=join(session, 'dataset'), database_name='Visualization', remote=environment_config.as_tcp_ip_client and not force_local, record=produce_data) # Create a single Environment or a TcpIpServer self.number_of_thread: int = 1 if force_local else environment_config.number_of_thread self.server: Optional[TcpIpServer] = None self.environment: Optional[BaseEnvironment] = None # Create Server if environment_config.as_tcp_ip_client and not force_local: self.server = environment_config.create_server(environment_manager=self, batch_size=batch_size, visualization_db=None if self.visualizer is None else self.visualizer.get_path()) # Create Environment else: self.environment = environment_config.create_environment() self.environment.environment_manager = self self.data_manager.connect_handler(self.environment.get_database_handler()) self.environment.create() self.environment.init() self.environment.init_database() if self.visualizer is not None: self.environment._create_visualization(visualization_db=self.visualizer.get_database()) self.environment.init_visualization() # Define whether methods are used for environment or server self.get_database_handler = self.__get_server_db_handler if self.server else self.__get_environment_db_handler self.get_data = self.__get_data_from_server if self.server else self.__get_data_from_environment self.dispatch_batch = self.__dispatch_batch_to_server if self.server else self.__dispatch_batch_to_environment # Init the Visualizer once Environments are initialized if self.visualizer is not None: if len(self.visualizer.get_database().get_tables()) == 1: self.visualizer.get_database().load() self.visualizer.init_visualizer() ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # DatabaseHandler management # ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## def __get_server_db_handler(self) -> DatabaseHandler: """ Get the DatabaseHandler of the TcpIpServer. """ return self.server.get_database_handler() def __get_environment_db_handler(self) -> DatabaseHandler: """ Get the DatabaseHandler of the Environment. """ return self.environment.get_database_handler() ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Data creation management # ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## def __get_data_from_server(self, animate: bool = True) -> List[List[int]]: """ Compute a batch of data from Environments requested through TcpIpServer. :param animate: If True, triggers an environment step. """ return self.server.get_batch(animate) def __get_data_from_environment(self, animate: bool = True, save_data: bool = True, request_prediction: bool = False) -> List[List[int]]: """ Compute a batch of data directly from Environment. :param animate: If True, triggers an environment step. :param save_data: If True, data must be stored in the Database. :param request_prediction: If True, a prediction request will be triggered. """ # Produce batch while batch size is not complete nb_sample = 0 dataset_lines = [] while nb_sample < self.batch_size: # 1. Send a sample from the Database if one is given update_line = None if self.dataset_batch is not None: update_line = self.dataset_batch.pop(0) self.environment._get_training_data(update_line) # 2. Run the defined number of steps if animate: for current_step in range(self.simulations_per_step): # Sub-steps do not produce data self.environment.compute_training_data = current_step == self.simulations_per_step - 1 async_run(self.environment.step()) # 3. Add the produced sample index to the batch if the sample is validated if self.environment.check_sample(): nb_sample += 1 # 3.1. The prediction Pipeline triggers a prediction request if request_prediction: self.environment._get_prediction() # 3.2. Add the data to the Database if save_data: # Update the line if the sample was given by the database if update_line is None: new_line = self.environment._send_training_data() dataset_lines.append(new_line) # Create a new line otherwise else: self.environment._update_training_data(update_line) dataset_lines.append(update_line) # 3.3. Rest the data variables self.environment._reset_training_data() return dataset_lines def __dispatch_batch_to_server(self, data_lines: List[int], animate: bool = True) -> None: """ Send samples from the Database to the Environments and get back the produced data. :param data_lines: Batch of indices of samples. :param animate: If True, triggers an environment step. """ # Define the batch to dispatch self.server.set_dataset_batch(data_lines) # Get data self.__get_data_from_server(animate=animate) def __dispatch_batch_to_environment(self, data_lines: List[int], animate: bool = True, save_data: bool = True, request_prediction: bool = False) -> None: """ Send samples from the Database to the Environment and get back the produced data. :param data_lines: Batch of indices of samples. :param animate: If True, triggers an environment step. :param save_data: If True, data must be stored in the Database. :param request_prediction: If True, a prediction request will be triggered. """ # Define the batch to dispatch self.dataset_batch = data_lines.copy() # Get data self.__get_data_from_environment(animate=animate, save_data=save_data, request_prediction=request_prediction) ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Requests management # ########################################################################################## ##########################################################################################
[docs] def update_visualizer(self, instance: int) -> None: """ Update the Visualizer. :param instance: Index of the Environment render to update. """ if self.visualizer is not None: self.visualizer.render_instance(instance)
########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## # Manager behavior # ########################################################################################## ##########################################################################################
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Launch the closing procedure of the EnvironmentManager. """ # Server case if self.server: self.server.close() # Environment case if self.environment: self.environment.close() # Visualizer if self.visualizer: self.visualizer.close()
def __str__(self) -> str: description = "\n" description += f"# {}\n" description += f" Always create data: {self.only_first_epoch}\n" description += f" Number of threads: {self.number_of_thread}\n" return description