Source code for BaseDatabaseConfig

from typing import Optional
from os.path import isdir, sep, join

[docs]class BaseDatabaseConfig: def __init__(self, existing_dir: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, max_file_size: Optional[float] = None, shuffle: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, recompute_normalization: bool = False): """ BaseDatabaseConfig is a configuration class to parameterize the Database and the DatabaseManager. :param existing_dir: Path to an existing Dataset repository. :param mode: Specify the Dataset mode that should be used between 'training', 'validation' and 'running'. :param max_file_size: Maximum size (in Gb) of a single dataset file. :param shuffle: Specify if the Dataset should be shuffled when a batch is taken. :param normalize: If True, the data will be normalized using standard score. :param recompute_normalization: If True, compute the normalization coefficients. """ str = self.__class__.__name__ # Check directory variable if existing_dir is not None: if type(existing_dir) != str: raise TypeError(f"[{}] The given 'existing_dir'={existing_dir} must be a str.") if not isdir(existing_dir): raise ValueError(f"[{}] The given 'existing_dir'={existing_dir} does not exist.") if len(existing_dir.split(sep)) > 1 and existing_dir.split(sep)[-1] == 'dataset': existing_dir = join(*existing_dir.split(sep)[:-1]) # Check storage variables if mode is not None: if type(mode) != str: raise TypeError(f"[{}] The given 'mode'={mode} must be a str.") if mode.lower() not in (available_modes := ['training', 'validation', 'prediction']): raise ValueError(f"[{}] The given 'mode'={mode} must be in {available_modes}.") if max_file_size is not None: if type(max_file_size) not in [int, float]: raise TypeError(f"[{}] The given 'max_file_size'={max_file_size} must be a float.") max_file_size = int(max_file_size * 1e9) if max_file_size > 0 else None if type(shuffle) != bool: raise TypeError(f"[{}] The given 'shuffle'={shuffle} must be a bool.") if type(normalize) != bool: raise TypeError(f"[{}] The given 'normalize'={normalize} must be a bool.") if type(recompute_normalization) != bool: raise TypeError(f"[{}] The given 'recompute_normalization'={recompute_normalization} must be a " f"bool.") # DatabaseManager parameterization self.existing_dir: Optional[str] = existing_dir self.mode: Optional[str] = mode self.max_file_size: int = max_file_size self.shuffle: bool = shuffle self.normalize: bool = normalize self.recompute_normalization: bool = recompute_normalization def __str__(self): description = "\n" description += f"{}\n" description += f" Existing directory: {False if self.existing_dir is None else self.existing_dir}\n" description += f" Mode: {self.mode}\n" description += f" Max size: {self.max_file_size}\n" description += f" Shuffle: {self.shuffle}\n" description += f" Normalize: {self.normalize}\n" description += f" Recompute normalization: {self.recompute_normalization}\n" return description